About Our Partners & Contributors
This website is the result of a collaborative effort led by Early Edge California in support of young Multilingual Learners in PreK-3rd Grade that includes researchers, practitioners, advocacy organizations, state agencies, and philanthropic organizations from California and across the nation.
The American Institutes for Research® served as the lead research partner, and was responsible for reviewing the literature, synthesizing the evidence base, and writing the background research and strategies presented in this Toolkit.
This work would not have been possible without the expertise and commitment of these organizations and individual contributors — thank you!
Meet Our Partners
The Multilingual Learning Toolkit is a collaboration among the following organizations and individual contributors committed to supporting quality instructional practices for Multilingual Learners in PreK-3rd Grade.
- Susan Atkins, Teacher Educator & Consultant
- Rebecca Bergey, Senior Researcher, American Institutes for Research
- Dr. Dina C. Castro, M.P.H., President & CEO, LCS International, LLC
- Carolyne Crolotte, Director of Dual Language Learner Programs, Early Edge California
- Dr. Linda M. Espinosa, Professor Emeritus of Early Childhood Education at the University of Missouri, Columbia
- Dr. Veronica A. Fernandez, PhD, Developmental Psychologist & Research Scientist, Quality Consulting and Research Group
- Amaya Garcia, Deputy Director, PreK-12, New America
- Dr. Nonie K. Lesaux, Juliana W. and William Foss Thompson Professor of Education and Society, Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Dr. Lisa M. López, Professor, Educational Psychology, University of South Florida
- Adina Lopatin, Education Consultant
- Dr. Carola Oliva-Olson, Executive Director of Professional Development and Multilingual Education, Institute of Racial Equity and Excellence
- Dr. Laurie Olsen, Author, Researcher
- Maki Park, Senior Policy Analyst for Early Education and Care, Migration Policy Institute
- Heather Quick, Managing Researcher, American Institutes for Research
- Dorothy Sanchez, M.S.Ed, Research Scientist & Content Developer, Quality Consulting and Research Group
- Dr. Rebecca Silverman, Associate Professor of Early Literacy, Stanford Graduate School of Education
- Dr. Lisa White, PhD, Early Childhood Researcher, American Institutes for Research
- Dr. Marlene Zepeda, Professor Emeritus, California State University, Los Angeles