Multilingual Learning Toolkit Blog

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In The News
NEW! Multilingual Learning Toolkit Updates (March 2023)

Early Edge California
Early Edge California
NEW! Multilingual Learning Toolkit Updates
In time for National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month in April, Early Edge California and partners have developed exciting new enhancements to the Multilingual Learning Toolkit!
Updates include:
- A bilingual program guide, Designing Preschool Programs that Foster Bilingualism: A Guide for Preschool Directors, by Dr. Carola Oliva-Olson and Anna Arambula-Gonzalez, M.A.
- Six sample lesson plans and resource walks, designed to introduce teachers to the following instructional topic areas:
- Four video guides for practitioners, serving as a companion resource for the following selected videos found on the website:
- Updates to the Building Educators’ Capacity instructional topic area page which includes new evidence-based strategies and resources.
- 34 new resources from our partners at SEAL (Sobrato Early Academic Language)—helping us reach over 425 new resources across the 11 instructional topic areas!
Help us spread the word!
- Promotional toolkit: We have put together a toolkit with suggested social media posts and graphics for your use in your own communication channels.
- Follow the #MLToolkit hashtag: Retweet or re-post the announcements on social media.
- Website flier: Download our one-page flier about the Toolkit website to print and share with your network.
To help ensure this resource remains as relevant and useful to the field as possible, feel free to share any suggestions or ideas for new content that you would like to see on the website:
In the meantime, stay informed about new updates to the Toolkit by subscribing to the mailing list:
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