Multilingual Learning Toolkit Blog

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NEW Resource! Canvas Course Shells for IHE Faculty/Teacher Educators

Early Edge California
Early Edge California is excited to share a new resource for institutes of higher education (IHE) faculty and teacher educators to support adding content specific to supporting Multilingual Learners into their coursework. Strategies, resources, videos, and instructional content from the Multilingual Learning Toolkit are now available on Canvas, a web-based learning management system. Designed to streamline the course creation process for faculty members and teacher educators, these course shells offer templates and best practices that are free and open source through Canvas.
To access the course shells:
Users with a Canvas account can access Multilingual Learning Toolkit course shells after logging in and visiting the Canvas Commons.
Educators can download the entire resource or individual items or modules, and “favorite” this resource for them to easily return to by clicking on “Add to Favorites” on the right-hand portion of the screen.
To download the entire resource into an existing Canvas site, follow our handy step-by-step guide.
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