11) Building educators’ capacity

How can I build my capacity to serve Multilingual Learners?

Toolkit: Ensuring Meaningful Communication with Limited English Proficient Parents

This 10th chapter from the U.S. Government English Learner Toolkit focuses on policy, resources, and tools to build relationships and communication with non-English speaking families and caregivers.
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Resource Guide: California’s Dual Language Learners- Key Characteristics and Considerations for Early Childhood Programs

This resource offers key visuals and data to help California-based educators learn more about the characteristics of Early Childhood households.
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Video: Jamila Lyiscott-3 Ways to Speak English

In this short video, the presenter shares her lived experiences and relationship to the "three different types" of English that she speaks.
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Video: Jim Cummins on Language Teaching Methods and Translanguaging

In this short video, researcher Jim Cummins explains translanguaging and the recent shift to acknowledge all languages in the classroom.
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Policy Brief: California Practitioner Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities

This document is critical for any teacher or administrator in the state of California who is looking for guidance on how to navigate needs and programming for Multilingual Learners who also have disabilities.
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Video: The Benefits of Multilingualism

This short video offers clear explanation of how bilingualism connects to healthy brain development.
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Video: Multilingualism and Translanguaging

This video provides an overview of the benefits of multilingualism and translanguaging in schooling, including how language abilities are interconnected, how these abilities are used in complex ways to create meaning, and how students are able to effectively communicate using all the linguistic resources available to them.
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Blog: The Affective Filter & Language Learning

This blog is a teacher-friendly review and explanation of Stephen Krashen's Affective Filter Hypothesis. The author includes numerous examples from teaching practice and infographics to make the content accessible and clear.
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Video: English-Language Development with Home Language Support

This video provides considerations for administrators on another approach to a language program. A primarily English language approach, with teaching and interaction primarily happening in English, with support for the home language. An important takeaway to note is that all educators, regardless of their own language background, can support all home languages through strategies that they can incorporate into their teaching.
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Video: Balanced English and Home Language Development

This video highlights key takeaways on a balanced approach towards dual language development, as shared by dual language experts. A critical piece to this approach is ensuring the child receives exposure and opportunity in each language so that they can learn English and still continue to develop their home language as well.
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Video: Being Intentional and Monitoring Program Goals

This video helps administrators develop an understanding of important items to consider as they develop a language program. Dual language experts note the value of engaging with your staff throughout the process, and ensuring that everyone has a common understanding and investment in the program goals.
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Video: Understanding Unique Aspects of Dual Language Development

This video explains the many academic advantages that children gain when they speak more than one language.
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Website Article: What Does Research Tell Us about Teaching Reading to English Learners?

This article is a research and strategy overview about teaching reading to Multilingual Learners. Sections on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension include tips for teachers to adjust instruction to meet the needs and leverage the strengths of learners.
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Blog: What Balanced Literacy Can Learn from Biliteracy

This blog helps teachers consider what fundamentals of biliteracy can transfer to literacy in general. Advice is shared on how teachers can design literacy instruction to incorporate the needs of Multilingual Learners.
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Blog: Stanford Professor Points out Potential Flaw in Reading Lessons for Spanish-speaking Students in U.S.

This short blog questions how efforts to teach reading in English transfer (and do not transfer) to the experiences of Spanish-speaking students.
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Webinar: The Science of Reading and English Learners

This webinar covers the research about the "science of reading" and evidence-based language and literacy instruction and supports provided for Multilingual Learners. Researchers Claude Goldenberg and Elsa Cárdenas Hagan both participate and share their expertise.
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Podcast: High Quality Instructional Materials as Equity for English Learners

This podcast covers some of the systematic issues in schools that keep Multilingual learners from adequately progressing. The discussion then shifts to specific supports and considerations for curriculum design that make grade-level content accessible for all learners.
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Article: The Universal Implications of Science of Reading

In this article extends understanding of the "science of reading" to include considerations for Multilingual Learners. The idea being that these students actually learn how to read differently than students who only speak English.
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Webinar: Structured Literacy for English Learners

This is a webinar with researcher Elsa Cárdenas Hagan. She offers numerous examples of the literacy activities for Multilingual Learners that are described in her text "Literacy Foundations for English Learners: A Comprehensive Guide to Evidence-Based Instruction."
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Podcast: The Science of Reading—Empowering Multilingual Learners

This is a podcast interview with author Elsa Cárdenas Hagan about her book "Literacy Foundations for English Learners: A Comprehensive Guide to Evidence-Based Instruction." She reviews the challenges and opportunities for literacy instruction with Multilingual Learners.
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Webinar Series Playlist: Literacy Foundations for English Learners: A Comprehensive Guide to Evidence-Based Practice

This is a webinar playlist that includes eleven separate webinars with author Elsa Cárdenas Hagan about her book "Literacy Foundations for English Learners: A Comprehensive Guide to Evidence-Based Instruction." Each webinar covers one aspect of literacy instruction and one chapter of the text.
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Webinar: Using the Science of Reading to Improve Literacy Instruction for English Learners

In this webinar the researcher Claude Goldenberg talks through how to apply the "science of reading" to Multilingual Learners.
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Webinar: Science of Reading with Claude Goldenberg

This is a webinar interview with researcher Claude Goldenberg. He offers his analysis of research about how Multilingual Learners fit into current discussions about the "science of reading."
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Interview: How to Teach English Learners Based on the Science of Reading

This is a write-up based on an interview with Dr. Jana Echevarria, who discusses what adjustments to the "science of reading" can be made for Multilingual Learners.
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Article: The Science of Reading in Dual Language

This article provides an opportunity to consider the "science of reading" in a dual language context.
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Website Article: Science of Reading Advocates Have a Messaging Problem

In this article the author, Claude Goldenberg offers clarity about the terminology of the "science of reading." Specific implications for Multilingual Learners are discussed.
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Webinar: NCEL White Paper

This recorded webinar is a discussion of the key points made in the white paper, "Toward Comprehensive Effective Literacy Policy and Instruction for English Learner/Emergent Bilingual Students." The authors talk through their research and findings.
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White Paper: Toward Comprehensive Effective Literacy Policy and Instruction for English Learner/Emergent Bilingual Students

This white paper shares research about what Multilingual Learners need in literacy instruction. Specific recommendations are made to design instruction with the unique needs of Multilingual Learners in mind, and to leverage their assets into lessons.
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Designing Preschool/Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Programs that Foster Bilingualism: A Guide for PreK/TK Directors

This guide is designed to help administrators who are interested in starting an Early Childhood Education (ECE) dual language/bilingual program for preschoolers and Transitional Kindergarten (TK). This resource provides an overview of key program components, including different models to consider, along with a step-by-step guide that are organized into five focus areas.
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Glossary: Terms for Metalinguistic Transfer

This document is a response to frequently asked questions and answers about transfer in the classroom, and an explanation of many terms associated with it.
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Presentation Slides: Raising Bilingual Children (English)

In this presentation, families are given resources and research regarding raising bilingual children, the benefits of bilingualism on the brain and the Seal of Biliteracy and its pathway to biliteracy. Slides are in English.
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Presentation Slides: Raising Bilingual Children (Spanish)

In this presentation, families are given resources and research regarding raising bilingual children, the benefits of bilingualism on the brain and the Seal of Biliteracy and its pathway to biliteracy. Slides are in Spanish.
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Presentation Slides: EL Roadmap for Families

A presentation designed to be delivered by school staff that introduces families to the EL Roadmap. Included is the opportunity to reflect on how the EL Roadmap is being enacted in your school and a space for reflection on what else could be implemented to best support the roadmap.
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Strategy Overview: The Classroom Audit

A classroom audit involves a non-judgmental reading of the messages conveyed by the materials and arrangement of the classroom as well as interactions through the lens of equity and diversity.
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Toolkit: Community and Family Engagement

This toolkit offers many different resources for teachers and administrators who work with Multilingual families. Sections include direction on how to set up family resource backpacks, adult education opportunities, family field trips and mentoring and more.
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Program Guide: Best Practices for Serving English Language Learners and Their Families

This document outlines what teachers, administrators and families can do to support Multilingual Learners in school settings. The guide includes sections on instruction, school and classroom culture, family engagement and policy.
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Resource Guide: FAQ Guide for Program Directors and Administrators

This resource guide offers answers to some of the most common questions that come up about literacy instruction for Multilingual Learners. Assessment, the "science of reading," use of home language(s), and curriculum decisions are some of the topics covered in this guide.
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Toolkit: Implementing the Language Learning Project

This toolkit is the basis for the implementation of Personalized Oral Language(s) Learning (POLL) strategies. It is a highly researched professional development approach for Early Childhood teachers to address the educational needs of Multilingual Learners and their families.
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Website: Teaching For Biliteracy

This website is a learning community hub about biliteracy with content available in English and Spanish. Resources include a long-standing blog with many posts about all aspects of biliteracy, and articles on the research and pedagogies associated with biliteracy.
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Website Article: Celebrating Our Linguistic Strengths

This article offers teachers the research base and findings on the benefits of bilingualism and biliteracy.
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Podcast: Working with Emergent Bilingual Learners

This podcast reinforces the strength-based idea that bilingualism is a benefit to children, and working with families and children to develop home language is an asset.
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Strategy Overview: Dual Language Instruction Assessment Rubrics

This collection of rubrics can support new and experienced dual language teachers reflect on their teaching practice and design meaningful instruction for Multilinugal Learners.
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Website: Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors

This bilingual website provides a toolbox for families and parents with many different links and resources for supporting children in school and home with learning and language.
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Video: Dual Language Programs Explained

In this video, researcher Diane August reviews the research base and benefits of bilingual education.
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Webinar: Engaging ELD Resources to Maximize English Learner Student and Parent Access

This webinar digs deep into the California English Language Roadmap recommendations for English Language Development (ELD). Example components of ELD, like creating access to content, offering the language students are expected to use, and sharing knowledge about how "English works" are shared. Considerations for specific Multilingual Learner typologies and proficiency levels are also reviewed.
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Webinar: Reaching Equity for English Learners

This webinar reviews how California-based school districts can use the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs) to focus on equitable instruction for Multilingual Learners and involve multilingual parents and families in district planning and decision-making.
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Webinar: Designing Instruction for Language Learners (Universal Design for Learning)

In the first half-hour of this webinar, key considerations for working with Multilingual Learners are introduced, including: funds of knowledge, building comprehensible input, interaction, and feedback. The second half of the webinar connects these considerations to principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
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Strategy Overview: Go-to Strategies

This is a compilation of instructional strategies that can be introduced in all grade levels, across all different content areas, to support English language development for Multilingual Learners. The document is organized into various sections including: Community Building Strategies, Interactive Strategies, Teaching Strategies, Student Learning Strategies, Vocabulary Strategies, Reading Strategies, and Writing Strategies.
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Discussion Questions: Facilitating Discussion of the Short Film – Immersion

This is a lesson plan to facilitate discussion of the short film, Immersion. Even though the intended audience is pre-service teachers, it is easily adapted for teachers and administrators of all experience levels.
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Short Film: Immersion

This short film takes on the perspective of a ten-year-old Multilingual Learner, Moises, to better help educators stand in the shoes of a student and understand what it feels like to be a newcomer in an English-only school environment.
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Website Article: How School Leaders New to Working with ELLs Can Partner with Families – 10 Strategies for Success

This article shares practical tips, along with video explanations and additional links to explore, that administrators can use to support Multilingual Learners and their families.
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Online Course: Connecting the Dots for DLLs Throughout the Preschool Day

In this 2.5 hour free online course, teachers learn how to create a language-rich preschool environment to support multilingualism in preschool.
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Online Course: Supporting Dual Language Learners Right from the Start

In this 4.5 hour free online course, teachers learn research-based practices to support the development of multilingualism in preschool.
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Guide: A How-to Guide for Teachers

This guide offers teachers critical information and questions to consider to improve instructional materials for Multilingual Learners.
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Guide: A How-to Guide for School Instructional Leaders and Administrators

This guide offers school instructional leaders and administrators critical information and questions to consider to improve instructional materials for Multilingual Learners.
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Framework: Designing Professional Learning Inclusive of English Learners

This website offers content and an explanation of core beliefs which teachers can explore to engage in Professional Learning about Multilingual Learners.
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Glossary: Terms about English Learners

This glossary defines many terms which are associated with instruction for Multilingual Learners.
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Research Article: Multilingual Students and Mathematics Education

This article shares current research on how to best consider and structure Mathematics Education for Multilingual Learners.
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Research Article: English Learners and English Language Arts Education

This article shares current research on how to best consider and structure English Langauge Arts Education for Multilingual Learners.
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Website: Coalition for English Learner Equity Tools and Resources

This website offers many resources and links about Multilingual Learners and their families. It is organized in various topic sections including Students, Classroom, School and Community, District, and State Policy.
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Policy Brief: Teaching Academic Content and Literacy to English Learners in Elementary School

This brief from What Works Clearinghouse offers four research-based recommendations for what works in both reading and content instruction for Multilingual Learners.
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Research Bibliography: What Does the Research Say About the Experiences of Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood?

This resource provides links to current research about Multilingual Learners in early childhood. This information is aligned with the requirements for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
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Video: Practical and Proven Strategies for Teaching Young DLLs

In this video, Dr. Linda Espinosa and coaches from the Language Learning Project provide an overview of research-based strategies for supporting Multilingual Learners in preschool classrooms. They describe the benefits of bilingualism and bilingual education, how to partner with families to support language skills, and provide examples of instructional strategies to use in classrooms to build Multilingual Learners' home languages and English. In this video, you’ll also hear from other California educators about the best practices they use in their programs.
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Policy Brief: Processes and challenges in identifying learning disabilities among students who are English language learners in three New York State districts

This policy brief from the State of New York offers helpful case studies about the process and procedures associated with identifying Multilingual Learners with disabilities. This information can help educators establish protocols to support students with dual status.
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Guide: Strategic Use of Consultants

Consultants can help programs to ensure they are implementing culturally and linguistically responsive practices in their early childhood programs. This resource provides guidance on how to determine the need for consultants, hiring the appropriate consultants, and lists examples of program goals and consultant responsibilities for meeting those goals.
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Guide: Supports for Classroom Language Models

This resource provides extensive guidance on how to select from several classroom language models to ensure that programs reflect the language strengths and needs of the children, staff, and families. This guide discusses several different language models, outlines key considerations for selection, training, and progress monitoring, and provides links to other resources.
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Article: Same, Different, and Diverse – Understanding Children Who Are DLLs

This resource provides an overview of important research findings that highlight the similarities, differences, and diversity of Multilingual Learners (MLs). By understanding the unique strengths and needs of MLs, educators can find ways to support them in their classrooms.
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Workbook: Code Switching – Why It Matters and How to Respond (Spanish)

This interactive Spanish workbook provides important information on code-switching: the use of elements from two languages in the same statement or piece of conversation. This resource explains how Multilingual Learners (MLs) engage in this practice, how common it is for MLs, and how educators can build on MLs' language by modeling and extending their statements.
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Workbook: Code Switching – Why It Matters and How to Respond

This interactive workbook provides important information on code-switching: the use of elements from two languages in the same statement or piece of conversation. This resource explains how Multilingual Learners (MLs) engage in this practice, how common it is for MLs, and how educators can build on MLs' language by modeling and extending their statements.
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Website Article: Developmental Screening of Children Ages Birth to 5 Who Are DLLs

This resource describes the special considerations programs should make when screening and assessing Multilingual Learners. It is important that programs find screeners and assessments in children’s home languages and find qualified staff, contractors, or volunteers to conduct assessments in multiple languages.
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Guide: The Family Partnership Process – Engaging and Goal-Setting with Families

This resource is an extensive guide on how programs and staff can partner with families to learn about their strengths and experiences and set goals for their children’s learning and development. This guide provides a step-by-step process for gathering information from families, setting goals, and following up on progress for continuous program improvement.
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Self-assessment: DLL Program Assessment User Guide

The Dual Language Learners Program Assessment (DLLPA) helps programs assess their own systems and services for Multilingual Learners (MLs) and their families. Administrators can use this assessment to ensure they are implementing culturally and linguistically responsive practices to support MLs in their programs.
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Webinar: DRDP

This resource provides a list of webinars about the California Department of Education’s Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP). Topics for administrators and teachers include introductions to the DRDP, DRDP reports, observation and documentation, and engaging families.
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Website: Desired Results for Children and Families

Programs can refer to this website to obtain more information about the Desired Results (DR) for Children and Families System. The DR system outlines important goals for children and families and includes assessment instruments and surveys that programs can use to improve their program quality and services.
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Online Modules: Dual Language Immersion Planning Guide

This is a series of online professional development modules that support leadership teams to initiate or refine a dual language (DL) program. Each module takes up a different aspect of developing a DL program and offers practical supports and recommendations for implementation.
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Downloadable Book: Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education

This book is a reliable tool for planning, self-reflection, and continual improvement of dual language programs. Content covers program and curriculum development and builds knowledge of dual language development with an asset-based view of linguistic diversity.
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Online Module: Teaching English Language Learners-Effective Instructional Practices

This is an online professional development module for teachers on second language acquisition and instructional practices for Multilingual Learners.
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Website: Understanding Dual Language Development

The Understanding Dual Language Development section of this website provides information about the definition of dual language development and the several different trajectories of bilingualism. This website helps to build educators’ knowledge of dual language development and Multilingual Learners’ language acquisition.
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Website: English Language Development Foundations

The English Language Development Foundations section of this website describes the typical developmental progression for preschool Multilingual Learners in speaking, listening, writing, and reading. This information helps build educators’ knowledge of dual language development and Multilingual Learners’ language acquisition.
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Website: Guiding Principles of Supporting Dual Language Learners

This resource provides the 10 guiding principles that form the foundation for the recommended practices articulated in the California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 1. These guiding principles contribute to educators’ knowledge of dual language development, including evidence-based instructional strategies, ways to build relationships with Multilingual Learners, and developing partnerships with and engaging families.
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Website: Supporting Dual Language Learners through Family Support

This resource highlights the importance of gathering information about each child’s language and cultural backgrounds from their families, as well as partnering with families to co-create language and learning goals.
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Newcomer Toolkit: High-Quality Instruction for Newcomer Students

This is one chapter from the U.S. Department of Education's Newcomer Toolkit. This chapter focuses on high-quality instruction for Multilingual Learners, along with 21st-century global competencies and program model descriptions.
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Research Paper: Supporting English Learners in Preschool- Strategies for Teachers

This research paper helps teachers build knowledge of dual language development and evidence-based instructional strategies to support Multilingual Learners. It describes practical strategies and approaches included in “Supporting Children with Language Differences” (a professional development program that all preschool teachers can use), including formative assessment, specific language-support strategies, adaptations to classroom activities to promote oral language, receptive language, and pre-literacy skills.
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Tip Sheet: Supporting Emergent Bilingual Children in Early Learning

This resource provides a checklist of promising practices to support Multilingual Learners, including how to support the home language and culture, vocabulary strategies, instructional adjustments, and hands-on learning. This resource promotes an asset-based view of linguistic diversity and helps teachers build knowledge of dual language development.
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Website Article: Advocacy Tools-Implementing the English Learner Roadmap and Affirming the Rights of English Learners

There are three bilingual, downloadable guides in this article that help inform families and other community members about California’s English Learner Roadmap. These bilingual resources offer explanations and advice on how to best advocate for Multilingual Learners.
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Reflection Tool: Dual Language Learner Supports

This self-reflection tool helps teachers develop their self-reflection skills and think about how they are supporting Multilingual Learners in their classroom. Coaches and teachers can use the tool to review instructional practices, identify children’s strengths, and plan for next steps.
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Guidebook: Engaging ELL Families-Twenty Strategies for School Leaders

This document offers clear information and actionable steps for school administrators to take to connect with families of Multilingual Learners.
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Research Article: Teaching English Language Learners-What the Research Does–and Does Not– Say

Author and researcher Claude Goldenberg offers a comprehensive review of the research associated with educating Multilingual Learners.
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Flyer: Identifying English Learners with Disabilities

This flyer offers three evidence-based recommendations on how to recognize when Multilingual Learners may have a learning disability. Additional links are offered to learn more about supporting Multilingual Learners with disabilities.
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Website: Support for Immigrant and Refugee Students

This website offers multiple downloadable guides to support the well-being, rights, and education of immigrant and refugee students in California.
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Overview: English Learner Typologies Chart

This simple chart offers key characteristics for the many student labels – like newcomers, long-term English Learners, and Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) – that are associated with Multilingual Learners. Information about the different implications and needs of these groups of students is offered as well.
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Overview: English Learner Typologies

There are many labels associated with Multilingual Learners (e.g. immigrants, English Learners, and newcomers). This document explains the difference across the terminology and describes the "diversity within" this group of students so that teachers can better understand students as individuals.
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Strategy Overview: Celebrating Bilingualism-Pathways to Biliteracy

This document offers a variety of examples for both classroom and school-wide implementation for a Seal of Biliteracy. Now that a biliteracy seal is available in California and other U.S. states, offering high-quality bilingual materials and structuring opportunities to celebrate bilingualism with students and families can begin as early as PreK.
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Strategy Overview: Budding Bilingual Celebrations

This resource describes the importance of creating a celebration for Multilingual Learners and their families to promote bilingualism. This celebration helps to create an asset-based view of linguistic diversity and establish a site-wide culture that values dual language learning.
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Template: Self-Reflection Tool and Roles in Supporting Children’s Oral Language Development

This resource helps teachers reflect on the multiple roles they play in supporting children’s oral language development. The tool asks teachers about their use of practices such as maintaining and promoting conversations, asking a variety of questions, talking about books, and working with families.
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Flyer: Questions and Answers about Dual Language Learning (Spanish)

This handout is filled with information about various dual language learning models and program terminology. It is particularly useful as a guide for families to ask questions and determine the best classroom placement for their child.
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Video: Hands-On Work with Planning Tools for Personalized Oral Language Learning (POLL)

This video explains how administrators can support teachers' use of oral language strategies. By supporting teachers in planning, administrators can create a site-wide culture that values dual language learning.
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Webinar: Exploration of Myths and Facts Regarding Dual Language Learners

In this video Dr. Linda Espinosa, the author of the policy brief, Challenging Common Myths About Dual Language Learners, talks through the research on instruction for PreK-3rd Multilingual Learners.
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Video: Home Language Supports

This video highlights the importance of supporting the home language(s) of Multilingual Learners. This video supports teachers and administrators in developing an asset-based view of linguistic diversity.
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Video: Identifying Language Models

This video discusses how administrators can support Multilingual Learners by identifying a person who can serve as a language model. It also shows how family engagement can support dual language learning.
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